Quick-Service Training: Focus on Accuracy


Train your quick-service employees that accuracy is about getting the order right, no matter what. Most mistakes occur when guests make special requests. Hold the pickles. Easy on the mayo. No olives.

There’s a huge difference between hearing and understanding. To listen successfully at the counter, lean forward and make eye contact, looking away only to work the register. Ask questions if you’re unclear about anything guests say.

Counter crew should repeat back the order to guests — both when taking it and delivering it. Kitchen crew should double-check every order against the original ticket or order screen, paying close attention to special requests. The order should be checked again as it’s placed on the tray or in the bag.

Cycle of Service Restaurant Service Training

With every guest who walks through the door, your staff should be striving to not only meet expectations, but exceed them. Our restaurant service training follows the Service That Sells! Cycle of Service, breaks down a guest’s visit into separate steps from the moment guests pull into the parking lot until that final moment when they walk out the door. Click here for a preview.

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