That Dollop Packs a Wallop

That Dollop Packs a Wallop

We all want to be known for our generous portions at a reasonable price. After all, the American public is value conscious. But unless the extra dollop of sour cream is figured into the retail price of the item, your waitstaff needs to refrain from the urge to pile it...
What Does Free Water Really Cost?

What Does Free Water Really Cost?

There’s no such thing as a “free” glass of water. In fact, according to industry reports, the typical glass of regular tap water can cost over a dollar per serving. How? The glass has to be ordered, inventoried, filled and washed for each guest — up go labor...
What’s Your Profit Margin?

What’s Your Profit Margin?

If you asked your employees what they thought the average profit on the dollar is in the restaurant business, how do you think they’d reply? Typically, restaurant employees are under the impression that owners and operators are rolling in the dough, and that’s not...