Targeting Restaurant Teamwork

Targeting Restaurant Teamwork

Teams, in any context, share common goals and a clear mission. As you adjust to changes at your restaurant, your restaurant team needs to adjust a well. How has the team’s mission changed? What goals are striving to achieve through restaurant teamwork? Do all...
Create Effective Employee Surveys

Create Effective Employee Surveys

No one ever said being a successful restaurant manager was easy. There’s always room for improvement, and the best people to help you find ways to improve are right in front of you. Your employees are on the front line. Use their experience to help you make your...
Connect Your Restaurant Team Members

Connect Your Restaurant Team Members

Take some simple steps to improve teamwork in your restaurant. Restaurant team members who know each other—and have even discovered some common ground—work better together, helping each other with tasks and creating a more enjoyable environment for everyone,...
Top 10 Team Vulnerabilities

Top 10 Team Vulnerabilities

Every team has weaknesses. In professional sports, competitors study their rivals to identify and exploit those weaknesses. It may not be as blatant in the restaurant business, but your competition is essentially doing the same thing – just waiting for you to fail....