Types of Selling for Restaurant Servers

Types of Selling for Restaurant Servers

The basis of any restaurant training program aimed at increasing sales must first cover the basic types of selling. Take a look: Upselling is enhancing an item already ordered (such as “up-sizing” a value meal or a draft beer, or adding cheese and guacamole to a...
Why Train?

Why Train?

Training your restaurant employees on service and sales is more important today than it’s ever been. To survive and thrive going forward, you’ll have to increase per-person check averages without drastic price hikes, all while delivering service that...
Teaching Servers to Sell

Teaching Servers to Sell

Per person check averages have never mattered more than they do right now. For restaurants to make up for fewer in-house guests, they have to make the most out of every guest they have. This means providing exceptional service, of course, but it also means enhancing...