Most Popular Restaurant Articles from 2019

The end of the year is a good time for reflection. Here at Ready Training Online, we’re reflecting on the articles restaurant managers were most interested in throughout 2019. If you missed them the first time around, take a look now!

1 – Letting the Well-Liked Go

We don’t have to tell you — restaurant management isn’t easy. One of the hardest tasks for restaurant managers is firing employees, especially when they’re a well-liked member of your team. Click here to learn how to ease the blow and move on.

2 – Upsell Beer with Waitstaff Sales Training

Beer is so popular during the summer, it almost sells itself! But despite the easy sale, the beer trade comes with a few costly negatives: kegs take up space, bottles must be stocked, and all of it must be kept cold — make that ice cold — to exceed guest expectations. To maximize profits, train your servers on opportunities to upsell beer. Click here for a few techniques and dialogue examples to get you started.

3 – Formula for Quick Service Success: SHAQ

If yours is a quick-service restaurant churning guests through a cookie-cutter experience, you can’t expect to survive, let alone thrive.  Forget being 1% better at 100 things — it’s time to step out. Be unique, be great, and be different. Period. The success formula for quick-service restaurants is simple to remember: S.H.A.Q. or Speed, Hospitality, Accuracy, and Quality. Click here for more details.

4 – New Workplace Harassment Laws for the Restaurant Industry

The #metoo movement continues to bring shocking stories to the top of our news feeds, but workplace harassment was around long before it was such a popular subject. This is especially true of sexual harassment in the restaurant industry. Some reports suggest that up to 90 percent of women and 70 percent of men working in the restaurant industry have experienced some form of harassment.  Click here to learn how the tides are turning.

5 – Training Restaurant Teams

“If only we could act more like a team.” It’s a common mantra of restaurant operators. But saying it and making it happen are on opposite banks of the river. And if your staff still isn’t working together effectively, you have a bit of paddling to do. Training restaurant teams is an ongoing process that takes time, planning, and dedication. Click here for a training strategy that is focused on restaurant teamwork.

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