How to Win With Restaurant Training


“There are three kinds of people in baseball: people who make it happen, people who watch what happens, and people who wonder what happened.” Tommy Lasorda was talking about baseball when he said that famous quote, but the logic behind it applies to the restaurant business, too. So what sets those who make things happen apart from others? Simple — it’s training. The same is true in the restaurant business. Your restaurant training program has a direct impact on guest satisfaction, service, and sales.

Steps to Get the Most Out of Your Training Program

Take your training process online. Your training process is like your playbook. It’s the “how” behind the “what.” More and more restaurants are moving toward online learning management systems to help streamline their training process. With built-in tracking and assessments, as well as guaranteed consistency in your message, online learning helps employees move through their training at a faster pace.

Get support. Everyone on your team — from the prep cooks to the servers — has to understand why training is critical to the longevity of your restaurant and their jobs. More importantly, they need to understand why it’s important to them. Team buy-in to your online learning program provides the “why” that supports the “how” and the “what.”

Set your goals. While it’s true that only one team wins the World Series, every successful team sets their sights on that goal at the beginning of the season. A common goal pulls teams together, and that applies to your team of employees, too. Write down your main goal, and then set training objectives that help you meet that goal. Objectives use language such as, “At the end of this training session, servers will be able to….” The best objectives are clear, actionable and measurable.

Be a coach. Barry Bonds doesn’t hold the record for most home runs in a single season because someone told him how to hit. First, someone showed him. Then, he practiced, improved, practiced some more, and improved until he got it right. People learn by doing, so be sure you implement blended learning strategies that supplement online learning with hands-on practice.

Keep your eye on the prize. In baseball, teams won’t win without great fans, and fans won’t come to games if their team always loses. In the restaurant business, your fans are your guests. They determine your success. Well trained employees are the reason they’ll walk in the door and return again and again.

The higher your expectations of your staff, the more you’ll have to train them. Remember, it’s your team who have the most influence over guest loyalty. It’s your job to make sure they both have the tools and the motivation to make that happen.

Restaurant Training Online

Online training provides a solid foundation for your restaurant staff. Our Service & Sales Excellence Waitstaff Training Series is based on the Service That Sells!, a training philosophy developed by restaurant owners for restaurant owners. Click here to learn more about our restaurant training program delivered on the powerful trainingGrid®​ learning management system.


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