Employee Feedback – Are You Doing It Right?

Employee Feedback – Are You Doing It Right?

Guess what? Your employees can’t read your mind. The only way for them to know for sure what you want them to do (and what you don’t want them to do) is for you to tell them. When you do it right, delivering employee feedback has many benefits. Teamwork improves, you...
The 5 Rs of Training Success

The 5 Rs of Training Success

You’ve probably already heard about tuning servers in to WII-FM to increase sales and raise tips. When you show servers “What’s-In-It-For-Me?” to improve performance, everyone makes more money. You can use the same WII-FM strategy to improve training success....
Training for the New Restaurant Manager

Training for the New Restaurant Manager

Are you new to the ranks of restaurant management?  As a new restaurant manager, the most important thing for you to remember is this: your followers make you a leader, not the other way around. Although your title as manager carries a certain level of distinction and...
What Are Your Leadership Goals?

What Are Your Leadership Goals?

Who you are as a restaurant manager changes from day to day. (And if it doesn’t, you may not be doing it right.) Effective leaders are flexible, changing styles and strategies to meet the needs of their teams. Effective leaders know that in order for their teams to...