Training for the New Restaurant Manager


Are you new to the ranks of restaurant management?  As a new restaurant manager, the most important thing for you to remember is this: your followers make you a leader, not the other way around. Although your title as manager carries a certain level of distinction and authority, it does not supersede the need to earn respect and establish credibility with your employees. Follow these tips to get off to a smart start as a new restaurant manager

Dress Impeccably

If you don’t present a positive image to your employees and guests, how can you expect your employees to respect and follow you? Set the standard for appropriate attire in your restaurant. If a long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans are customary for management, have your shirts pressed and wear great looking shoes. Employees will get the message that appearance is important to you, and you’ll set the standard for their uniforms without saying a word.

Don’t Be Late

Planting seeds of doubt about your leadership skills can happen quickly. Just ask the kitchen employees who have been waiting 45 minutes outside the door for your arrival, along with the produce driver. Bare minimum, be on time. Better yet, be early. Turn on the kitchen lights and put on a fresh pot of coffee. By the time your crew arrives, have complete, accurate prep sheets prepared as well as towels, knives, sanitizer, and cutting boards ready to go. Being early is also a good time management strategy — it’s amazing how much work you can get done without the interruptions you’re faced with when employees are in the building.

Begin to Establish Your Level of Tolerance

As you provide direction to your team as a new restaurant manager, it’s better to come in uncompromising and ease up, if necessary, than to come in soft and attempt to toughen up later. If you wait, you only create obstacles. If you ignore improper behavior when you see it, you’ve reinforced negative behavior by not addressing it.

Never Let ’em See You Sweat

Even in the face of a crisis, never allow your staff to see you overreact or crumble under the pressure. Stay cool, level-headed, and calm at all times. Your ability to manage stress and exhibit confidence builds immediate credibility and makes you easier to follow.

Plan Tomorrow Today

Set aside time each day, before you leave, to plan and organize for the next day. Glance over schedules and sales forecasts, noting any special events that will require your attention. It not only assists you on the job, but also helps relieve the pressure of mentally taking work home with you.

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